PLATINUM JUBILEE in BROADWATH - 4th / 5th June 2022

by Jackie & Adrian
  Pictures reveal so much more than words, so here are some from      our own special jubilee celebrations in Broadwath.

  Many more photos / videos can be found via the following link,       please do add yours to the collection as well.


  Our historic celebration started with Pimms on the Bridge, as we       gathered for the unveiling of the plaque by Cllr. Marilyn Bowman      who was accompained by her husband Sid. (Marilyn had kindly          donated money for our plaque.)

  Many were of us were dressed as 1950s lookalikes, and didn't we      look good!


We then made our way to Chris and Marilyn's beautiful woodland garden for a scrumptious afternoon tea which would be the envy of any Mad Hatter! We enjoyed quizzes, crafts, games & especially making our paper boats for the Boat race along Cairn Beck (a highlight also at the Diamond Jubilee). Here are just a few of the pics so far...


The Finishing Line

On Friday, 5th we reconvened for an evening history tour led by Jim (assited by Colin). It was a tad chilly but cheese, wine & nibbles at both The Manor House and Bridge Cottage kept us well fortified.

Jim hopes that this can be the start (for those of u   s who are interested) of regular meetings to gather and record our community's history for us now and for future residents of Broadwath. Do check out information in the diary dates section of the blog.

All of these activities were made possible by our little team of volunteer organisers who met regularly from January this year. So thank you to Jim, Lesley, Marilyn, Paula, Julia, Jackie, Dorothy, Simon, Trish, Colin et al.


Trish & Colin's Grand Dog

And finally a little smile from the lady herself, "for later" ...


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